September is Emergency Preparedness Month

September is emergency preparedness month.  Are you prepared? Being prepared means being equipped with the proper supplies you may need in the event of an emergency or disaster. Keep your supplies in an easy-to-carry emergency preparedness kit that you can use at home or take with you in case you must evacuate.

What Do You Need ...

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Emergency Information Notice

In order to stay connected and in the know during these uncertain times simply text any zip code to 888777 to receive real-time alerts and advisories directly from your local police department and other local agencies. There is no charge for registering, but standard text messaging rates associated with your mobile phone service will apply. You can opt out at anytime by texting “STOP” to 888777.

If you’re texting a zip code to 888777 and using Nixie for the first time, ...

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Yard debris removal.

OSFM Bigfoot Social Media Image- Don’t Burn

Chipping, composting, or simply hauling your yard debris away is much safer than burning it.  The City of Keizer has made an ordinance prohibiting back yard burning.  To report illegal burning that is not threatening property, structures, or life please call (503) 390-2000.

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A public meeting teleconference of the Budget Committee of the Keizer Fire District, Marion County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. The meeting will be held through an application called GoToMeeting due to the social distancing requirements of the Coronavirus. The meeting will take place on May 13, 2020 at 5:30pm. To obtain the meeting ID and password for the GoToMeeting, please refer to ...

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Executive Order 20-16


April 16, 2020

Governor Kate Brown Issues Order to Preserve Civic Engagement, Essential Local Services During COVID-19 Crisis (Portland, OR) — Governor Kate Brown issued Executive Order 20-16 this week, directing state and local governments to take necessary measures to facilitate public participation in decision-making, helping ensure the continued operation of local government and the delivery of essential services during the COVID-19 outbreak. Local governments across Oregon are expected to begin their budget processes this month, and this order ...

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COVID-19 Update

Good morning,

Earlier today Governor Kate Brown released Executive Order 20-12, updating orders for individuals, businesses, public organizations and outdoors spaces.

Here are the bullet points:

  • All non-essential social and recreational gatherings of individuals are prohibited immediately, regardless of size, if a distance of at least six feet between individuals cannot be maintained. Gatherings of members of the same residential household are permitted.
  • It closes and prohibits shopping at specific categories of retail businesses, for which close personal contact is ...
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