Please review, fill out and submit the application, questionnaire and copies of your fire/EMS certificates. You may send the application, questionnaire and copies of your fire/EMS certificates to 661 Chemawa Road NE Keizer, OR 97303 or you can scan the documents and email them to, you can also choose to upload the documents by clicking here apply now.
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Join us at the flag pole in front of the Keizer Fire Station at 7 am for a brief remembrance honoring those we lost on September 11th, 2001.
At 7 am the flag will be lowered to half-staff and a moment of silence will be observed. A wreath will be placed at the Memorial located in front of the fire station. A display of 343 flags will be placed in the front lawn of the fire station to remember the fallen ...
Continue Reading →There will be a Civil Service Commission Meeting on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 3:00 pm at the Keizer Fire Station, 661 Chemawa Road NE Keizer, Oregon 97303.
Please see the following link for the agenda.
Civil Service Meeting Announcement July 26, 2022
Continue Reading →We are sorry to share that the Mother’s Day breakfast has been canceled for 2022. This was not an easy decision for the Fire District, but due to staffing shortages, increased call volume, and supply shortages it is the right thing to do. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Santa Breakfast in December.
Continue Reading →Notice of Budget Committee Meeting
A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Keizer Fire District, Marion County, State of Oregon, on the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, will be held at 661 Chemawa Rd. NE, Keizer, OR 97303. The meeting will take place on May 11, 2022 at 5:30 pm.
The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the public on the budget.
This is a ...
Continue Reading →EMS Billing & Records Manager (Non-Represented)
Keizer Fire District
Location: Keizer, Oregon
Keizer Fire District is accepting applications for the position of EMS Billing & Records Manager. We seek a high-level experienced, energetic, team oriented individual who will report directly to the Finance Officer.
Job Summary
This position is responsible for the management and administration of the District’s EMS billing and records. It serves as the District’s primary point of contact for related communications and correspondence. The ability to ...
Continue Reading →Our Fire District is Seeking Citizen Budget Committee Members:
The Keizer Fire District is seeking individuals to consider serving a 3-year term on the Fire District Budget Committee. The budget committee reviews the budget proposed by the budget officer, listens to comments and questions from interested citizens and approves the budget. There will be two positions open on the five member budget committee. To be eligible you must be a registered voter in the Keizer Fire District and cannot be an ...
Continue Reading →Keizer Fire District Seeking Volunteers to serve as Civil Service Commissioner:
The Keizer Fire District is seeking interested individuals to serve a 4-year term on the Fire District’s Civil Service Commission. To be considered a Commissioner, you cannot be a member of the Keizer Fire District Board of Directors, an employee or volunteer of the Keizer Fire District. The individual shall be known to believe in the principles of civil service and shall serve without compensation. The Commission meets at least ...
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