Citizens interested in serving may call 503-390-9111 for more information.

Board of Directors

The major function of the District Board of Directors is to serve as the policy making body of the Keizer Fire District and to shape the future of the District while preserving for the Fire Chief and the District staff the responsibility of the day to day administration of the District in a manner consistent with the guidelines and policies of the Board.  The Board is derived of five elected members of the Keizer Fire District and serve 4-year staggered terms.

The Board of Directors encourages citizen participation at Board meetings. Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Keizer Fire District building. Public Comment is a feature of each board meeting to provide citizens with an opportunity to address the Board about issues not on the formal agenda. You must sign up to speak before each meeting begins, limiting your remarks to four minutes.

Budget Committee

The Budget Committee meets as needed, at 7:00 p.m. at the Keizer Fire District. The meetings average 2-3 hours in length. The Budget Committee reviews the proposed budget and approves the budget. Call 503-390-9111 for future meeting dates.

Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission meets at least once annually at 7:00 p.m. at the Keizer Fire District. Notices of meetings are published in advance. The Commission oversees the process of hiring firefighters, approves hiring lists, and ensures that firefighters are treated equitably and fairly in disciplinary actions. Call 503-390-9111 for more information if you have any questions.